SMS Notification Manager

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SMS Notification Manager

The SMS Notification Manager allows the user to see which SMS notification queues have been generated over a given time frame, how many SMS notifications were sent out, and how much time they took to send. This also allows the user to keep track of which SMS notification queues are still pending or have been sent. The user can see when the notification queue started and ended, and click on individual entries to see the notification that was sent out to users.

Search Options


To conduct a search, a user has to enter in a time range to gather statistics from.

The Status allows a user to focus in on a particular set of messages waiting to be sent out.

The Message option allows the user to find specific messages by the text contained within them, while the Phone option allows the user to enter in a specific phone number to find all messages sent to that user.

hmtoggle_arrow1        SMS Notification Manager – Results

hmtoggle_arrow1        SMS Notification Manager – Resending & Deleting

hmtoggle_arrow1        SMS Notification Manager – Results Details

Note: When enabled, the TransportationSeeSubscriptionServiceSMSNotificationManager setting will enable users with the Transportation to see the SMS Notification Manager menu.